Thanks for supporting a small business! We appreciate each and every one of you!

About Us

So it all started in 2010 - August to be exact. 

We had totes in our attic of things we had bought in college and right post college like comic books and action figures.  Just sitting there.  Not being displayed, and not being enjoyed.  Things that had been sitting around that the family had passed down or someone had gifted that just sat in that attic collecting dust.  Why keep things that were just causing clutter?  

So we started our first little booth in The West Wing at The Shops on West Ridge, under the name KingAC Collectibles. Looking back we hardly had anything in that booth at first.  As we kept selling items, and the pile at home started to dwindle - we started to source things from all over.

And the response was great!  We moved to a bigger space, and started to carry new retail products, and we grew quickly enough to take a second space.  And as we kept curating geeky products of all different types, people positively reacted!  

We couldn't keep product in stock!  And then a prime space opened up in the main section of The Shops on West Ridge - right by the cafe, and we snagged it!  And boy did people like our new location, (even though we went back down to one space!)  Knowing we were getting more business we were fererently trying to scour even more sources for products. 

Flash forward to our reopening after the three month pandemic closure in 2020.  Our business took off like it never has before!  We worked extra hard to find even more unique and different things, and keep the curated mix different and fresh!    Recently we changed our business name to more reflect who we are so that you all could find use easier online - Geektopia!  And your support has allowed us to grow even more - with an expansion again, and this website!   

We can't thank everyone enough for all the love and support that keeps helping us grow! 

-John from Geektopia