Before you call his name three times, work your way through the strange and unusual afterlife of MONOPOLY: Beetlejuice! Buy, sell, and trade your favorite dark comedy characters such as Lydia, Delia, and Charles Dietz, Adam and Barbara Maitland, and the irreverent bio-exorcist himself to haggle the living daylights out of your competition and win with more than the ghost with the most! Its showtime!
Game Contents:- 1 Game Board , 6 Collectible Tokens: (Wedding Dress, Handbook for the Recently Deceased, Skeleton Key, Beetlejuice Tombstone, Lydia's Camera, Charles Deetz' Binoculars), 28 Title Deed Cards, 16 Chance Cards renamed HAUNTING Cards, 16 Community Chest Cards renamed OCCURRENCE Cards, Custom Monopoly Money, 32 Houses renamed HAUNTED HOUSES, 12 Hotels renamed PARANORMAL MUSEUMS, 2 Dice - & Rules
Ages: 8+ (Not suitable for children under 3. Contains small parts that could be considered choking hazards).
Number of Players: 2-6
Play Time: 60+ Min